AI Illustrated Edition

Original Manuscript

Sunday, 19 February 2023

Shakespeare vs Milton: The Kings of English Literature Debate

Following my earlier post the other half of my pleasant Sunday morning Milton lie-in came courtesy of an Intelligence Squared video - Shakespeare vs Milton: The Kings of English Literature Debate. In one sense it's a spurious debate in the sense that both are deserving of their classic status. However, this isn't Eurovision and the format works well to highlight the two writers' individual strengths. 

Apart from a few theatre trips long ago, I've not interacted much with Shaekspeare's work outside of required school readings and I really should change that. However, this video reinforces the importance of performance in enjoying these works. I think this applies to Paradise Lost as well. One of my recommendations for people new to Milton's epic poem is to hear it first and from an enjoyment perspective I'm coming to the same opinion.

There are a couple of reasons for this but when deconstructing them it all comes down to my inner reading voice. I've never actually spoken to anyone about this as it's only just occurred to me but I am interested to learn if this applies to other people or whether it's just me being weird!

My inner reading voice is essentially a rapid text-to-speech equivalence amazingly quick and effective with most prose and strangely doesn't remove emotive context. However it does lack tempo and performance, Both attributes are essential to a proper appreciation of a poem or play in my opinion. There are downsides of course, for example, it's slightly more inconvenient when encountering a new word or phrase to pause the play (especially if live!) to quickly look it up. In this case, I make a mental note as if it's something you end up enjoying overall then you'll listen to it again.

Getting back on topic not only does the video reinforce the performance element they are incredible performances and I wish there'd been more for both cases. I'd have enjoyed seeing a bit more actual debate but the points raised were mostly interesting and informative. In particular, I appreciated the take on Milton's apparent lack of humour and salaciousness. In sum, it's an excellent watch and highly recommended.

A Pleasant Milton Sunday Morning

It's a lovely Sunday morning and even better with a Paradise Lost and John Milton themed morning while lazing in bed - marvellous!

It all kicked off with a random YouTube recommendation for a BBC documentary called Armando Iannucci in Milton's Heaven and Hell. It covers the major points in Milton's life and the documenter's connection with the poem. It also touches on Milton's relative obscurity these days which is something I hope to address in a small way with these posts.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

The Original Manuscript - Part IV

Here we have the final batch of all that remains of the original manuscript for Paradise Lost. It is a shame that only Book I has survived and I'll confess to a little sadness when including the last couple of page fragments. 

It's a bit silly really as Milton didn't physically write Paradise Lost himself due to his blindness. He dictated it in a similar fashion to Stephen Hawking (another of my personal heroes) but there's still something magnificent about a handwritten manuscript. A project for the future perhaps with all the spare time I have :-)

I've visited the US a few times, but not New York yet. Hopefully one day I'll be able to see these pages in person.

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Tuesday, 17 January 2023

The Original Manuscript - Part III

Here we have the penultimate batch of the original manuscript for Book I of Paradise Lost. I'm very tempted to get a handwritten version done or maybe even have a go myself. Although 10,000 lines is a little daunting :-)

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Sunday, 8 January 2023

The Original Manuscript - Part II

Thanks to a potent stomach bug I've slipped behind schedule in posting this second part but it was fascinating reading the next batch of 10 pages so I'm not going to stress about it :-) The SP Books printed version of these pages has arrived and I'll put together a little show and tell on that after the next two batches have been posted. I hope to get that done over the coming week but I do have a lot of work and GSD Welfare Fund stuff to catch up on so we'll see. In the meantime feast your eyes upon these pages. I'll even refrain from idle commentary!

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I know it's an impossible dream but I'd love to have a proper look up close!