AI Illustrated Edition

Original Manuscript

Sunday 8 January 2023

The Original Manuscript - Part II

Thanks to a potent stomach bug I've slipped behind schedule in posting this second part but it was fascinating reading the next batch of 10 pages so I'm not going to stress about it :-) The SP Books printed version of these pages has arrived and I'll put together a little show and tell on that after the next two batches have been posted. I hope to get that done over the coming week but I do have a lot of work and GSD Welfare Fund stuff to catch up on so we'll see. In the meantime feast your eyes upon these pages. I'll even refrain from idle commentary!

Page 9

Page 10

Page 11

Page 12

Page 13

Page 14

Page 15

Page 16

Page 17

Page 18

I know it's an impossible dream but I'd love to have a proper look up close!

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