AI Illustrated Edition

Original Manuscript

Friday, 30 December 2022

Paradise Lost AI Illustrated Edition - John Milton Biography

As mentioned when going through the Front Matter for the version I'm scanning, this particular edition doesn't have a biography for John Milton. This is unusual from the editions I've seen, so I've decided that my AI Illustrated version is going to include one.

This also necessitates a suitable portrait and following the rules of the edition it must be generated by AI. I'm still using Midjourney for this purpose. For some reason, I thought I'd make things harder on myself and put the portrait together using text prompts only. After many attempts, I did get close but could get some of the final details correct. So I made the task a bit easier for myself and used a target image as a guide. I'm fairly happy with the end result.

If you have any feedback on the portrait or biography then please use the comments section below.

John Milton's fame stems principally from writing Paradise Lost, an epic poem in blank verse (a non-rhyming form of poetry that still follows an established metre, iambic in this case - unrhymed five-beat lines) describing Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven and Adam and Eve's original sin and subsequent banishment from the Garden of Eden. Its immense scope and the bold declaration "to explain the ways of God to mankind" certainly didn't lack ambition. The fact that he achieved his goal, and in such sublime fashion cemented the poem's rightful position as one of the greatest works of English literature. He's now considered one of the finest English writers in history, perhaps only eclipsed by Shakespeare.

Whilst Paradise Lost no doubt represents the pinnacle of his achievement, he attained notable fame for his other poems and well-reasoned writings in support of his republican political beliefs. He lived in and around the political turmoil of the English Civil War, its fallout over the years and associated religious upheaval. Regarding religion his opinions were non-conformist, and as with his political stance required courage to be so bold with his thoughts. With some elements (particularly later in life and in English society) he gained more notoriety than fame.

John Milton was born on the 9th December 1608 to parents John Milton Snr (1562-1647) and Sara Jeffrey (1572-1637)  in their house on Bread Street in London, situated near St. Paul's Cathedral. He had an older sister Anne (date of birth unknown) and a younger brother Christopher born in 1615. Two other younger sisters Sara and Tabitha both died in infancy.

Milton's father, John Milton Snr moved to London around 25 years before his son's birth. Upon arrival, he signed up as a scrivener's apprentice and ultimately achieved hard-earned success. John Milton Snr married Sarah Jeffrey in 1600/. The business he operated from the family home on Bread Street in Hammersmith. Even so, he spent most of his time working and spent relatively little with the family.

1n 1633 Milton Snr became warden for the Chapel of St Paul. He continued as a scrivener for another three years and upon his retirement moved to Horton. Music occupied much of his attention when not working and he composed many well-regarded musical pieces. The majority of his work focused on religious themes, his strict protestant beliefs caused a rift with his father as he was a strict catholic. He also wrote some poetry although they were never published. John Milton Snr's well-rounded education proved a significant influence on his son's future.

With his father earning a more than comfortable living John Milton's early education benefitted from a private tutor named Thomas Young. This tutor also introduced the young Milton to more controversial elements of Presbyterianism. 

He then began attendance at St Paul's School in London and began studies in Latin and Greek. He enjoyed these languages and later in life wrote masterfully in them. The influence of these classical languages in his English writing can also be observed. Aged 15 he also released his first work of two psalms in the parish of Long Bennington in Lincolnshire.

After leaving school in 1625 Milton studied at Christ's College, Cambridge and graduated with honours for a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1629. At that time he intended to become an Anglican priest and so continued his studies with a Master of Arts degree. He received his Master's Degree in July 1632.

Despite his academic success, Milton didn't enjoy many of his studies at Cambridge. His first printed work Epitaph on the admirable Dramaticke Poet, W. Shakespeare was released during this time and he wrote other short poems in English and Latin including "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" and "Il Penseroso".

Upon completing his formal studies Milton moved to Hammersmith to live with his father who'd moved to the then-suburban village in the previous year. There and in Horton in Berkshire from the following year he studied under his own direction in a diverse range of subjects including theology, history, science, philosophy and literature. He also possessed a good understanding of a range of languages mostly focused on the romance languages such as French, Italian and Spanish as well as classics like Latin, Greek and Hebrew. His poems Arcades and Comus were written during this time.

After six years of intense study, he travelled with his manservant on a tour of France and then Italy for just over a year. This in effect proved another period of study as he met and engaged with other intellectuals of the time. His interest mainly concerned art and religious traditions but also offered the opportunity for him to demonstrate his poetic talent. He met many notable thinkers such as Galileo while the astronomer was under house arrest. 

In Rome, he featured praise in a mention of an epigram written by Giovanni Salzilli. Although while in the city he was warned that his frank opinions on religion, specifically Catholicism had attracted attention and placed him in some danger. Milton remained in the city without any major incidents.

Milton returned to England in the summer of 1639 with the increasing likelihood of the Civil War. The Bishops' Wars were underway. These occurred in 1639 and 1640 preceding and leading to what became known as the Wars of the Three Kingdoms from 1639 to 1653. This conflict revolved around the imposition of governance of the Church of Scotland by the Church of England. The Scots gained support from elements in England and Ireland and so expanded the scope of the wars. This series of conflicts included the Irish Confederate wars, the first and second English Civil Wars, the Anglo-Scottish war and the conquest of Ireland under Cromwell.

In this environment, Milton wrote a series of works supporting the Parliamentary and Puritan positions. His extensive studies and written eloquence enabled his writings to stand out as significant elements for the vigorous debates accompanying the conflicts. In particular, he campaigned against the High Church Party within the Church of England.

June of 1642 saw Milton marry Mary Powell. She was half his age the start of their marriage proved an unsettled one as she didn't conform to his Puritan lifestyle or his anti-royalist views. Mary subsequently moved back to her parents and didn't return until the following year. This occurred soon after Milton attempted to court a woman named Davis who denied his advances.

While they remained apart Milton penned a number of pamphlets arguing for allowing divorce for grounds beyond adultery. This did attract some trouble from the authorities spurring the writing of Areopagitica; A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parlament of England condemning pre-printing censorship.

During this period he took a position as a private schoolmaster providing education to the local wealthy children including his nephews. He also met Samuel Hartlib and these two factors resulted in Milton writing "Of Education" in 1644 concerning reform for universities.

1645 saw the publication of a collection of Milton's earlier poems written in various languages notably English, and Latin and a few in Italian as well.

After the conclusion of the English Civil War Milton continued to write in public support for the Commonwealth. This included The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates in 1649 defending the right for rulers to be held to account by their people and also for regicide. This last aspect was argued further in Eikonoklastes published in October of the same year as a rebuttal to the popular Eikon Basilike portraying Charles I as a Christian martyr.

This spirited and well-regarded defence resulted in Milton's appointment as Secretary for Foreign Tongues by the Council of State in March 1649. This role required him to handle Parliament's foreign correspondence as well as to continue writing propaganda. With some irony regarding his earlier counter stance, he would also act as a censor. The role would later come to haunt him after the Restoration.

Mary Powell gave birth to their first daughter Anne on the 29th of July 1646. She was followed by another daughter they named Mary on 25th October 1648. Their third child was a boy called John born on the 16th of March 1651 but sadly he lived for just a season past a year. Deborah, their third daughter arrived on the 2nd of May 1652. Difficulties during the birth claimed Mary's life.

Milton became fully blind in 1652 with the precise cause unknown. Despite this, he remained in this role until 1660 although much of the work would be done by various deputies during that period. He also wrote further works for the government via dictation. These included Defensio secunda in which he defended attacks of a personal nature as well as praising Lord Protector Cromwell. A further personal attack was defended in the autobiographically natured "Defensio pro se".

Katherine Woodcock married Milton at St Margaret's in Westminster on the 12th of November 1656. She passed less than two years later four months after giving birth to a daughter they named Katherine, but she also died.

Cromwell's demise in 1658 triggered a period of unrest as military and political forces vied for supremacy. This ultimately resulted in the Restoration of 1660 of King Charles II as the monarch for England, Scotland and Wales which remained separate countries at this time. Throughout these unsettled two years, Milton would publish further works defending the concepts of Parliamentarian rule and a state-sponsored church. Several of these were published in 1959.

An oil painting on canvas by
Ferdinand-Victor-Eugène Delacroix
illustrating Milton dictating Paradise Lost
 to his daughters.
Around this time Milton started work on what would become his Magnificient Octopus [Yes this jest will need removing]. Being blind and experiencing a considerable drop in political and financial status failed to tarnish one of what would become one of English literature's greatest accomplishments. 

The first edition of Paradise Lost was released in 1664 with a second edition in 1674. This new edition contained revisions and restructured the 10,000 lines of verse into 12 books rather than 10. The Arguments for each book were also added to aid readers' comprehension.

After the Restoration, a warrant for Milton's arrest was issued and he went into hiding and fearing for his life. Much of his writing was publically burned and it wasn't until a general pardon was released that he emerged. Despite the pardon authorities still arrested him and it required the intervention of influential friends to secure his release from prison.

On the 24th of February 1663, Milton married for the third and last time. He married Betty Ninshull then aged 24 from Wistaston in Cheshire.

Photo by Doyle of London
The final decade of his life was spent mostly in London although he did move to his cottage in Chalfont St Giles during the Great Plague of London in 1665 and 1666. He continued to publish during these years although Milton stayed away from politics for the most part.

1671 saw the publication of Paradise Regained alongside the Samson Agonistes.

On the 8th of November 1674, Milton died and was subsequently buried at the Anglican church St Giles-without-Cripplegate in London. The exact cause of his death remains unknown although contemporary sources indicate that it was either consumption or gout. A statue sculpted by John Bacon the Elder was later added in 1793.

Sunday, 25 December 2022

The Original Manuscript - Part 1

I only recently discovered that only the first book of the manuscript for Paradise Lost still exists. I'd foolishly assumed that somewhere a beautiful original existed. And one day via the power of the Zuckerberg Machine I was targetted quite expectedly for a reproduction of John Milton's Paradise Lost. And just as I was about to order the moment led me to discover that there isn't a complete manuscript.  That bummed me out man - okay I'm not a sixties child, but it really did.

I've still ordered it though.

So after learning there wasn't a complete manuscript I researched what had survived. Only the first book it seems and so I searched online and learned that it had crossed the pond after being purchased by J P Morgan. It now resides in the Morgan museum which means I'm unlikely to get to see it in person any time so wondered what to do about that. You can learn more about what they have in the museum here:

I did want to do more on this site than just post a link and so contacted them to see what I could do and ended up licensing the images non-commercially so I can post them all here and expand this site as a resource on this site. It's also sparked an idea, but I'll keep quiet on that until I see how feasible it is.

But for now please enjoy the first batch of photos of what remains of John Milton's original manuscript for Paradise Lost. If you weren't already aware then Milton became blind before authoring the poem so this isn't his penmanship.

Page 1 - Blank inside cover very exciting and included for completeness.

Page 2 - Another blank page included for completeness - it does get more interesting soon!

Page 3 - We get to the good part :-)

Page 4 - Note the page numbers in the top left. The numbers don't match my numbering simply because I counted the blank sheets as well 

Page 5 - In the left margin you can the lines being counted

Page 6 - I remember having nice handwriting. I only write notes these days so it looks a bit like I'm filling out a prescription form :-)

Page 7 - I did wonder if the pages matched the print and of course, they don't

Page 8 - I always love noticing the differences and how the English language has changed over the years

Page 9 - And for purists who try to lock language into a fixed edifice we wouldn't have the word 'Pandemonium' in our vocabulary

Page 10 - My commentary hasn't added much of value, but I have enjoyed examining these pages again as I've posted them so refuse to apologise! 

That's the first batch - I'll try and poster the other two batches by the New Year. |I hope you've enjoyed them as I have and please remember these are not mine and my licence only allows displaying on this site.

Friday, 9 December 2022

A Day with John Milton by May Bryon

This was another accidental discovery while searching for more additions. The description sounded like an interesting idea. She wrote a series of short tales about a fictional day in the lives of famous poets and writers.

And it was short, much shorter than I expected although it is a compelling read. The day is set later in his life and after writing Paradise Lost. Milton's personality comes across much as I'd expected and I do wonder how accurate the portrayal is.

I'm currently writing a biography of Milton as part of my new AI Illustrated Edition ( and while the research I'm doing is interesting May Byron's short tale is a more intimate and engaging approach. So much so that I might include it as it's out of copyright now and provide a richer context for the man,

Unfortunately, this isn't a great edition. I've nothing against Print on Demand and have used it myself but books like this are part of why the disdain exists. This is a minimal-effort reprint and the original illustrations are not included along with no information about the book at all - not even a publishing or print date. It's cheap to pick up though and a read that shed's some light on one of the English language's finest poets.

Monday, 28 November 2022

More for the Collection

Higher priority commitments (I do need to get paid, and saving Wellington's fellow GSDs does rank a tad higher than my personal projects) means that the long-awaited Milton biography for the AI Illustrated Edition is still not finished although some progress has been paid - he has now finished university!

Of course, that hasn't stopped me from purchasing more versions to add to the collection and this latest batch has a couple of interesting items.

Collins Classics Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained (2013)

Probably the most recent edition in the collection at less than 10 years old. However, it's a decent edition with both poems with two slightly novel features. The first is the Life and Times and while it's functionally similar to the usual biography it does expand on the context of events at the time of the poem's writing. Unfortunately, it is quite brief.

The other feature is a glossary of words and phrases from the time and this is much more extensive and quite a useful companion to the two poems. I'm tempted to do something similar although maybe as a separate booklet so that it can be more easily referenced while reading the main.

I have to confess that the main reason I picked this up (apart from the crazy goal of collecting a copy of every edition) was Gustav Dore's fantastic illustration. I'm more used to seeing the black and white illustrations and was struck by this bold rendition of the original.

The Poetical Works of Milton, Oxford University Press (1941)

This is a nice understated edition with soft leather binding and little ornamentation apart from thin gold lettering and motif on the spine, and a frame embossing on the covers. It's a lovely edition to hold, just the right weight and size something that seems to be rare with modern hardbacks. The comparison is a little unfair as age adds appeal but even so, there's clearly a difference. Perhaps due to more people reading hardbacks as paperbacks just weren't as common and before hardbacks became relegated to the collector or superfan.

There's a preface that examines each of the included poems with some brief history and also some commentary revealing some insight into each. While hardly extensive it does provide a compelling introduction to the book.

One of my favourite aspects of buying secondhand books is the personal history you occasionally discover. Inside it's handwritten to or from Marjorie Pearson dated Christmas 1941 and there's also an interesting sticker identifying the book as owned by Harold Hartley. There's no indication of a connection but I did wonder did the book provide some comfort to someone during the war or away from their family.  

John Milton's Paradise Lost in Plain English by Lanzara

This book is a line-by-line transliteration of the complete poem. Unlike Daniel Danielson's Parallel Prose edition there's little effort to make the plain English text a pleasing read in its own right. Against each line is a plain English version and I'd suggest that this probably works better as a companion, so if stuck on a particular line you can look it up here to learn the meaning.

It's a shame that it doesn't expand upon the basic meaning to help the reader understand the many classical and sometimes obscure references in the poem. It does exactly what the title states so it's unfair to judge it too harshly beyond that.

The author also write a novelisation of Paradise Lost which is a more pleasing read - you can find more of my thoughts on that book here:

From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained (1972)

This book demonstrates that I should do at least a modicum of research before purchasing. Technically this isn't a Jehovah's Witness edition of Paradise Lost I assumed from the title although it does cover the same ground. I've only had a quick look so far and I think I'll have to give it a proper read as it looks like they've adapted the creation story to follow some form of science.

The copy is as old as I am and in a similar well-loved condition :-) It's aimed at younger readers with cheerful simple illustrations and many pen highlights. I think I'll probably buy another copy at some stage although I'll see if I can get an original 1958 print.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Drabble Classics - Paradise Lost by John Milton

Nearly a decade ago I wrote a lot more than I do currently and that included Drabbles. Drabbles are a short form of writing (typically fiction) of precisely 100 words not including the title. They are typically self-enclosed stories so they should be able to be read on their own. Still, I also created varied series (I really must finish The Imp series at some stage as he was an excellent character and so much fun to write. So much so that he's tattooed on my arm :-) The ending also wasn't too far away. If you want to discover who the Imp is then pay a visit here -, but even in a series, the individual drabble should tell a story of its own. 

Not only are drabbles a lot of fun and a quick way to blast out a story idea, but they are also an effective method for improving the brevity of your writing and improving your range of vocabulary. With this in mind, I created themed series that encouraged this development. One of those series was Drabble Classics and here I took a classic piece of literature and tried to fit it into a drabble. Naturally with my love of Paradise Lost, I decided to have a go with mixed success at the time. I think the rewrite is better, and the first drabble I've completed in years but you can judge the result for yourself.

Before we get to the drabble I also decided to create an illustration for it using Midjourney. I struggled a bit with this one for two main reasons. The first is that as this image would be a stand-alone I could try something in a different style. Here I lacked the method or vocabulary to accurately describe what I wanted. To a great extent, I ended up with many random iterations to edge closer to the vision.

More frustrating was Midjourney's ever-expanding list of banned words. I had noticed this previously, especially when creating horror-themed and darker-in-tone images. When it hampers trying to create Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden then I think it's gone too far! I do understand the reason for them, but it seems an inelegant way to tackle the issue of exploitative, pornographic or abusive imagery.  My top issue remains the difficulty in placing objects and subjects in the scene but the ridiculous selection of banned words has shot into my top[ three - so much so that I may have to cancel my subscription and look at an alternative solution.

Complaints aside I am still fairly happy with the end result although there's a certain irony here that I had to perform some manual edits as the generated source image was too sexually suggestive :-)

Adam and Eve depart from the Garden of Eden, no longer even able
to witness the splendour of the Earthly Paradise

Paradise Lost

Lucifer’s pride fomented rebellion and the Messiah’s might drove the rebels from Heaven. Remade as Satan, his pride undiminished, he plotted vengeance and declared to rule in Hell rather serve in Heaven.

From eternal night Satan entered the light of arboreal creation. With admiring hatred, Satan plotted against God’s favourites while clad in their innocence and Heavenly love they tended their splendid garden. 

With a serpent’s guile, Satan flattered Eve and she tasted the forbidden fruit. Despairing Adam consummated his wife’s original sin. Their disobedience expelled them from Eden their generations awaited the Messiah’s coming to return their paradise lost.

You can find drabbles based on other literary classics here:

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Paradise Lost: The Novel by Joseph Lanzara

This was a recent addition to my collection of different editions and versions of John Milton's Paradise Lost. I discovered it after finding the author's website which is a useful read in itself and also a decent introduction to the poem and John Milton:

The book is precisely what the title states - a novelisation of the original poem. It's not a line-for-line transliteration so not quite as useful as a direct introduction to the poem. However, for those interested in the story and not in the original then this is a decent alternative.

Even though it loses the original's structure the novel's style does retain a flamboyant and archaic style that does carry the tale well. I'll confess that it took a chapter for me to break through the feeling of reading a historical novel, but once in the flow it worked just fine. Unfortunately, it highlights an issue with modern languages for this type of tale in that it contains concepts that shouldn't be familiar or even exist for the characters in the story (except maybe God I guess). 

In truth, this is caused by how Milton creates backstories for the divine characters - especially the fallen angels and the personalities before becoming the Fallen. This naturally leads on to how any of it could have happened in the first place but that's a bit beyond outlining the merits and issues of this book.

I found two issues in particular problematic. The first was that the narrative flow of the story is rearranged into chronological order (sort of, although technically it's probably an order of causation as time didn't exist for the first part of the story). I understand why the author made the change, but for me, it felt unnecessary as it's far from convoluted in the original and in doing so loses some of the drama and immediacy of the poem.

This version loses a lot of the metaphors and references that Milton was so fond of. Now, this does simplify the text and so easier to comprehend but also loses some of the richness and mystery. There's an odd paradox here that while Milton wrote this Christian origins tale to promote that particular theology those historical connections grounded it more solidly within the wider world's history.

That all being said the novel does represent the plot and characters of the story well. The pacing is good and if you just want to experience the story or want a gentle introduction to the poem then this is well worth a look.

Discover Paradise Lost: The Novel by Joseph Lanzara on Goodreads:

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

A Few More for the Collection

I have to confess that the project is slipping behind schedule, although in my defence for honourable reasons. One of them is a month long fundraising campaign supporting the German Shepherd Dog Welfare Fund - the charity that rescued Wellington who I adopted 18 months ago. I'm also volunteering with them. There are some excellent Halloween themed items you can bid on:

Of course, that doesn't prevent me from adding a few more books to the collection :-)

The Globe Edition (1934) - The Poetical Works of John Milton


I do already have an older version of this edition and it's unfortunate that they look almost exactly the same. And the separation of 30+ years indicates that there are a fair few of these. However, as I'm entering a 'Gotta Catch Em All' frame of mind there'll no doubt be a shelf full of these at some stage!

Okay, now I've placed them side by side the new one is small and puny in comparison :-)

Milton Paradise Lost - Longman Paperback (1986)


The 80s were my teen years and I guess they'll never seem that long ago to me. Even if my mind refuses to accept that 40-odd years is a reasonable time period, it is quite short considering the history of the source. However, it does have a couple of interesting aspects. The first is that it's aimed at an academic audience and has a considerable number of annotations bringing clarity to the more obscure references.

There's also a small personal story attached to it, all told by a sticker on the first front matter page. In the class of 85-86 a young lady named Sarah won this copy as Miss Boddington's prize for History at Norwich High School. I wonder if she had an interest in the book, or if it was a standard prize.

Paradise Lost The Novel by Joseph Lanzara

This was an accidental find after discovering the author's website - It is an interesting website with some useful information without being too dense. I can't comment on the novel (yet) as I haven't read, but certainly will do at some stage. I'm a fan of any attempt to allow Paradise Lost reach and ever wider audience.

Monday, 10 October 2022

The Space Inbetween

This is probably my favourite piece of contemporary art, and as we'll soon find out that's a good job really! It was created by the wonderfully talented Luciana Nedelea in Romania - check out some of her other work here:

A3 prints with various designs
are available here
She's probably best known for her album cover art, but I've worked with her on t-shirt designs, a Cthulhu themed chess set and a book cover. And that was the original idea for this painting, it was to be the cover for a Lovecraft-Milton (the two most inspirational writers) crossover with the working title 'The Space Inbetween'.

The story's premise was to accept both Milton's and Lovecraft's worlds at face value and then explore that reality. And so we have the story of creation, God creates the physical universe we know and mankind falls from grace and despite that evolves to become masters of the stars. Unbeknownst to almost every living being  (except God and a few with special insight) God created the universe from the wreckage of a much older universe. That universe was the domain of the pantheon Lovecraft described in his mythos and the gods of humanity destroyed them in a war that saw nearly every diety also annihilated. 

The multiverse is a battleground of competing entities, some powerful enough to create universes of their own, but others use different methods. Our universe was then formed from the bones of the original creators, their followers and the upstart gods lost in the battle. It is their remains that formed the matter and energy we see around us. More than that it also forms the fabric of the universe, the essence of spacetime and the vast voids inside the atomic building blocks. 

The intensity of the Big Bang and the continual transformation of matter and energy erased any memory of the dead gods and elder beings - except those fragments in the void. At the height of humanity's worldly power, it develops technology capable of tearing the fabric of space and stirring the reformation of those once sundered. The memories of beings long lost filter into reality and so starts a war of cosmic scale for the possession of creation.

I really should actually write the story at some stage :-) For inspiration, I commissioned Luciana to work on a cover for it and here we have the result. While it was soon clear that the piece wasn't suited for a book cover (especially in the era of online stores and their tiny thumbnails) it did capture the core concepts as I'd imagined them. It also inspired an idea of how to tell the story in a different fashion that I really need to explore one day as I don't think I've seen it done before (although it probably has!).

Even though it hasn't yet been used for its intended purpose the image did have one major evolution to come. As part of my midlife crisis, I decided to have some tattoos done and I wanted something unique for the backpiece I loved how Luciana's picture told the story and the detail of it. And so I had it tattooed on my back!

The tattoo is actually bigger than the original painting :-)

This amazing image (along with some other great images) is available as an A3 print as part of the Halloween Horror Auction supporting the German Shepherd Dog Welfare Fund. Grab one for yourself now, and why not some as presents for friends - there's a multi-buy discount) here:

Other designs available:

Saturday, 24 September 2022

New Editions to the Collection

Over the past week or so my Paradise Lost collection has grown - nothing too historical as I lost out on a couple of auctions, but some interesting books nonetheless. I think I have it in the back of my mind to do a Pokemon and try and collect them all! However, when I look on Goodreads it lists 4,315 different editions, although that does include ebook and audio versions. On the flip side, it doesn't seem to include antique editions - in either case, I have quite a ways to go.

You can see my collection so far here:

And here we have the new ones:

Airmont Classic Edition (1968)


This superficially has a similar form to the Penguin Classics, although from a US publisher and containing a few more supporting notes, and more significantly it includes Paradise Regained.  Sadly it's only in fair condition with some damage on the back cover. Like many mass paperbacks after a certain age, it has a fragile feel to it.

Ben Power Play Adaptation (2006)


Beyond the interest of adding another version of the original poem, this is a stage adaptation that may come in handy as a reference for a future project. I'm not familiar with the stage production, but I'd happily go and see one. The author seems to be experienced in adapting classics to play form. I'm now curious how more adaptations there are, and what differences there might be between them.

Philip Pullman Illustrated Edition (2005)


The influence of Milton's work is readily apparent in Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials books, and Pullman is open about this fact. My first book 'The Cult of Me (or rather a trilogy) was also heavily inspired by Paradise Lost, but it's fair to say that he did a better job!

This particular edition is also interesting as it's essentially the same project that I'm undertaking, so it's reassuring not to be the only lunatic with this idea :-)

Milton for the Methodists (1988)

So I suspect that this could well entice me down a John Wesley shaped rabbit hole in the not-too-distant future. l was aware that John Wesley held the work to be of some special significance, but have so far managed to avoid looking too deeply into it. However, while working on a local history project (to be revealed at the end of this month) mention of this work attracted my attention.

I know have a growing stack of papers to read to learn more about this association and you should probably expect a more general article about this once I'm more familiar with the history. In terms of a version of the poem, it's an abridged version with selected passages of importance to John Wesley's religious perspective. 

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Paradise Lost AI Illustrated Edition - Front Matter

And so we get started on my AI Illustrated Edition of Paradise Lost by John Milton. It partly stems from an older project to scan and transcribe my first antique edition of the book. Someone beat me to it but reviewing that version they haven't cleaned up the OCR and the scans aren't of amazing quality, so here we go...

The front matter basically includes everything from the front cover, to the start of the body of the book (the actual story content). The cover for this edition isn't much visually: red leather with gilt title lettering. The feel and smell of it, on the other hand, is incredible and also with real weight when you hold it.

I'll certainly put together an ebook version of the project once it's complete, but I think I'd like to see what it would take to release a hardcover version of a similar size to the edition it's based on. I can't imagine that'll be cheap, but I can investigate further when we get there.

My cover is a tad more colourful, and the main image was generated from a relatively simple prompt, but with a lot of regeneration until I felt happy about it. I kept with the gilt lettering as a connecting factor because it works, and I've been eager to use the technique in anger since figuring it out and discovering that it didn't work at all for the project I originally developed it for. My Photoshop skills aren't the best, so I'm still happy with the small victories!

Note that I haven't recreated the author and title pages as yet. For the author page I think I'll use the same image, although trying to create Milton's portrait in Midjourney could be an interesting challenge. For the title page I think I'm going to replicate it 'as is', but obviously cleaned up quite a bit.

I'll confess that I was tempted to not transcribe the List of Subscribers, as as the OCR did most of the heavy lifting I started a clean-up pass and it didn't take as long as I feared, although trying to maintain the original spelling caused Word's spell checking to throw a minor fit. Which raises an interesting question, for the final version do I keep the 18th century text, or modernise it? Feel free to comment below if you have an opinion.

The List of Subscribers turned out to be interesting in its own right. Books weren't cheap, especially larger tomes like this, so it makes sense that it was either crowdfunded or subscribed to in advance. Running through the names and places also held my curiosity simply from observing the different names, and changes in placenames too. I'd also like to imagine that at some stage, someone investigating a person from history could connect them to someone listed here. That would be kinda cool :-)

1794 Edition Front Matter Transcription

Note that only the List of Subscribers is transcribed. Source files for the text (in DOCX, PDF and TXT formats) and scanned images have been uploaded and can be accessed here:




The Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, Speaker of the House of Commons

Mr. E. Allen, Frith-street

Miss M. Aynscombe, Mortlake

Mr. Adensted, Stanhope-street

Mr. Aspinal, Norfolk-street

Mr. Arrundell, Great Windmill-street

Major Auften, Parliament-street

Mess. Artaria, and Co. Vienna, 7 copies

Mr. Arglers, Borough

Mr. Amery, Bedford-street, Covent-garden

Mr. Agar, Artillery-place


The Earl of Beverley

Atkinson Bush, Esq. Great Ormond-street

W. P. Baker, Esq. Portman-square

Abm. Bracebridge, Esq. Warwickshire

The Rev. Dr. Barrow, Soho-square

Mr. J. Boult, Bank

Mr. Bainbrldge, Strand

Mrs. Brodie

Mrs. Bernard, Richmond

Mr. Bel.*bur, Highgate

Mr. J. Batson, Stamford

Alderman Boydell

Mr. J. Boddy, Phccr.lx Fire-office

F. Bartolozzi, Esq. R. A.

Mr. S. Brookes, Strand

Mr. Bourne, St. Clement's Church Yard

John Bayne, Esq. Kensington

Peter Blackburn, Esq. Ramsgate

Suffield Brown, Esq. Leesthorpe, Leicestershire

A. W. Bellairs, Esq. Stamford

Miss Buckworth, ditto

James Barratty, Esq. Gracechurch-street

Mr. Barrett, Clement's-lane

Dr. Bates, Red Lion-square

Mrs. Buxton, Mortimer-street

Richard Barwell, Esq. St. James's-square

The Rev. Mr. Betham, Stonhall, Suffolk

Colonel Barry, Great Ryder-street


Lord Viscount Courtenay

Earl Cholmondeley

The Most Noble Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Chandos

The Marquis del Campo

The Bishop of Clonfort '

Field Marshal Conway, Soho-square

Prince de Castelcicala

Mr. Compton, Buckingham-house, 6 copies

Mess. Colnaghi and Co. Pall Mall, 7 copies

Wm. Cruikshank, Esq. Leicester-square

The College Library, Cambridge

John Collick, Esq. St. Martin's-lane

Mr. P. Contencin, Pownal Terrace

Mr. Callendar, Frith-street

J. R. Cocker, Esq. Nassau-street

B. C. Cocker, Esq. ditto

J. Clarke, Esq. Bulwick, Northamptonshire

Mr. Richard Cooke, Stamford

Mr. B. Christian, Burgliley, Northamptonshire,

Mr. Cramphorne

Mr. Cooke, Portland road

The Rev. Mr. Carey, Stamford

John Crawley, Esq. Stockwood, Bedfordshire

Mrs. Caslon, Chiswell street

John Clarke, Esq. Walton-place, Northamptonshire

Mr. Cline, St. Mary -axe

Mr. H. Church, Devonshire-street

Mr. Carr, Cornhill

Wm. Caulier, Esq, Stepney

Mr. Clarkson, Essex-street

Capt. Carruthers

Mr. Clarke, Bond-street

J. Carbonell, Esq. Hinde-street

Crawford, Esq. Kensington


Mr, Samuel Chase, Luton, Bedfordshire

Jolin Clark, Esq. St. Martin's, Stamford


His Grace the Duke of Dorset

Lady Jane Dundas

The Earl of Darnley

Lady Charlotte Denys

The Hon. Mrs. Darner, Sackville-street

WM. Douglas, Esq. Teddington, Middlesex

The Rev. Wm. Daking

Dickingson, Esq. Lower Seymour-street

Mr. C. Dibdin, Strand

Samuel Day, Esq. Hill-street

Mr. Wm. Davis, Carey-street

Miss Denshire, Stamford

Mr. Dowderwell, Market-court

John Devall, Esq.

Mr. Diemar, Strand


The Earl of Exeter, 2 copies

Lord Eardley

Lord Elcho

Sir Henry Englefield, Bart. Tilney street

Henry Eggers, Esq. Woodford

G. A. Ernst, Esq. Green Lettice-lane

Edge, Esq. Temple

Mr. Everingham, Oxford-road

Miss Edwards, Ketton, Rutland

Earle, Esq. Hanover-square

Mr. Edwards, St. James's- street

Mr. T. Edwards, Cross-street, Hatton-garden

Messrs. Eckhardt, Bond-street


Earl Fitzwllliam

I.ady Henry Fitzgerald

Sir Samuel Fludyer, Bart. Uffington, near Stamford

Mr. Fryer, Stamford

Mr. Forrest, Temple Forbes,. Esq. Nassau-street

Mr. Fell, St. Martin's-lane

Mr. P. Frost, Pepper-office

J. Forbes, Esq. Stanmore-hill

Mr. French, jun. Oxendon-street


Her Royal Highness Princess Sophia Matilda of Gloucester

Earl Grosvenor

The Earl of Gainsborough, Exton, r. ear Stamford

Mr. Gandon, Bank

Mr. T. Gayfere, jun. Ablngdon-street

Wm. Garrow, Esq. Temple

Mr. Gruiber

Mr. Graham, Charles-street, Westminster

Mrs. Grant, Portman-square

Mr. F. Gardner, Birchin-lane

Mr. Groves, Crown-court


Lord Howard

Sir Robert Herries, St. James's-street

Warren Hastings, Esq. Park-lane

H. Holland, Esq. Architeft to H. R. H, the Prince of Wales

Major Wm. Tooke Harwood, Wood Norton, Norfolk

Lieut. Hughes, Royal Navy

Mr. Harman, Jermyn street

Mr. C. Hayter, Rathbone-place

Mr. R. Higs, Gray's-Inn-lane

Mr. Wm. Hopkins, Greek-street

The Rev. Mr. Harris, Exton, Rutland

The Rev. Mr. Hopkinson, Overton, Rutland

Mr. Hamoir, Sloane-street

Mr. Harris, St. Clement's Church Yard

Charles Hatchett, jun. Esq. Long-acre

Mr. Hinton, Gerrard-street

Mr. Harvey, St. Martin's-lane

Wm. Hayley, Esq.

J. Hurst, Esq, Stamford

Mrs. Heseltine, Doctor's Commons

Mr. Heseltine, jun. Doftor's Commons

Mrs. Charles Hastings, Feltham-place

Mr. Harper, Jerusalem Coffee-house

Geo. Hartshorne, Esq. Dorrington-street

Mr. H. Hole

I & J.

The Hon. St. A. St. John, M. P.

J. Ibbetson, Esq. New-street, Spring-gardens

Mr. Wm. Jackson, Stamford, Lincolnshire

The Rev. Dr. Jenkin, Ufford, near Stamford

Jos. Jackson, Esq. Baker-street

Johnson, Esq. Congleton

Mr. Thomas Jeffryes, Great East-Cheap


Edward Johnson, Esq. Mile-End

--- Ingram, Esq.


Mr. Kelk, Compton-street

Mr. Kennion, Charlotte-street


The Hon. Colonel Leslie, 1st Guards, Little Ryder-street

The Rev. Dr. Layard, Castle-street

Mr. Lepard, Newgate-street

Mr. Legge, Stamford, Lincolnshire

—— Leverton, Esq. Penrim

Dr. Lyon, Bartlet's-buildings

The Rev. Mr. Lucas, Casterton, Rutland

Mr. Wm. Langdale, Red Lion-street

John Latouche, Esq. Dublin

Lowden, Esq. Temple

Capt. John Lambe


Her Grace the Duchess of Montrose

Earl Moira

Lady Eliz. Moncrieffe, Stamford

William Maxwell, Esq. Carriden, County of


P. Muriel, Esq. Ely

P. Methuen, Esq. Lower Grosvenor-street

T. Mathias, Esq. Scotland-yard

J. Martindale, Esq.

Major Metcalfe,

George Martin, Esq. Gracechurch-street

M. Mitchell, Esq. Beaufort-buildings

Miss Monckton, Fineshade, Northamptonshire

Mr. Marriott, Lamb's Conduit-street

Mr. Thomas Marston, ditto

Mr. H. Morreau, Lambeth Terrace

Mr. Maud, St. Clement's Church-yard

Mr. H Mist, Long-acre

Mr. Middleditch, Great Newport-street

Mr. Marshall, ditto

Charles Mainwaring, Esq. Lincoln

Mr. B. Miller, Bank

Wm. Moffat, Esq. Queen-square


Samuel Nicholls, Esq. Russell-place

J. Nicolay, Esq. St. James's-palace

Mr. M Nair, Glasgow

Mr. G. Nixon, Hatton garden

Dr. Nisbett, Great Marlborough-street

Mr. Neeld, Norfolk- street

Mr. Nouge

Mr. Newcombe, Pall-mall


Earl of Pomfret

The Honorable George Pitt

Petrie, Esq. Portland-place

R. C. Paul, Esq. Great Ormond-street

Charles Piggott, Esq. Lincoln's-Inn

The Rev. Mr. Parker, Brentford

Mr. Penfold, Castle-street, falcon-square

Mrs. Pearson

Mr. George Prince, Arundel street 

Prevost, Esq. Red Lion-square

Mr. J. G. Perry, Oxford-road

Geo. Pocock, Esq. Great George-street

Mr. Parker, Fleet-street

Mr. S. Petit, Bank

Mr. G. Pettitt, Brewer-street

Mr. Purripont, Stamford

Mr. Parbury, Holborn

Mr. Place, Southampton

Mrs. Pyke, Luton, Bedfordshire

Mr. Pearkes, Richmond-buildings


Her Grace the Duchess of Rutland

His Grace the Duke of Roxburgh

The Earl of Radnor

The Marchioness of Rockingham

Lady Rich

Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. Portland-place

George Romney, Esq. Cavendish-square

Mr. R. N. Richardson, Stratfield, Hants

Mr. Railton, Cheapside

Mr. Rankin, ditto

Mr. Rogers, King-street, Westminster


The Most Noble the Marquis of Salisbury

The Marchioness of Stafford

The Earl of Shaftsbury

Earl Stanhope

Sir John Smith, Bart. Sydling, Dorsetshire

Sir John Skynner, George-street


Sackville, Esq. St. James's-street

G. G. Stonestreet, Esq. Phoenix Fire-office

Jos. Sales, Esq. Gower-street

Geo. Steuart, Esq. Upper Harley-street

Scrope, Esq. Bath

Major Scott

Flint Stacey, Esq. Maidstone

Wm. Sharp, Esq. Winchester-street

Capt. Shaw, Sloane-street

H. C. Selby, Esq. Northumberland-house

Mr. Spilsbury, Snow-hill

Mr. J. S. Spilsbury, Lombard- street

Mr. Swainson, Frith-street

Mr. Stanger, St. James's-street

Mr. Smith, Newgate-street, 2 copies

Mr. Smith, Charlotte street

Mr. T. P. Stead, Bank

Mr. Suett, Drury-lane Theatre

Wm. Symes, Esq. Ufford, near Stamford

Mr. Shoute, Holborn

Mr. C. Steer, Church-street, Spitalficlds

Henry Strachcy, Esq. Hill-street

Mr. W. Scrooby, Catherine-street

Mr. Simpson, St. Paul's Church-yard

Mr. Stockwell, Crutched- friars

The Rev. Mr. Skynner, Easton, near Stamford

Mr. James Lumsden Sherriff, Deptford


Charles Townley, Esq. Park-street

Colonel Treen

J. H. Tooke, Esq. Wimbledon

T. Turner, Esq. Caughley-hall, Salop

John Travers, Esq. Crutched-friars

Mrs, Thomas, Lindhurst, Hants

Mr. Thomas Taylor, Red Lion-street

Mr. Taylor, Bond-street

Mr. Taylor, Grosvenor street

Mr. Tregent, Leicester-square

Miss Thompson, Stamford

Mr. Thompson, Strand, 2 copies

U & V.

Thomas Vaughan, Esq. Suffolk-street

The Hon. G. Villiers, Upper Grosvenor-street

Felix Vaughan, Esq. Essex-street


The Earl of Wemyss

The Earl of Warwick

Lord Wycombe

Sir John Wodehouse, Bart.

Benj. Weft, Esq. R. A. President of the Royal


George Wrighte, Esq. Gayhurst

Mr. J. Walter, Charing-cross

Jos. Wyndham, Esq. Portland-place

William Willis, Esq. Chatham-place

S. Weltje, Esq. Hammersmith

George Wye, Esq. Red Lion-square

Mr. Winnock, St. James's street

Mr. E. White, jun. New London-street

Mr. Gabriel Wirgman, Denmark-street

Mr. Wellington, Crown-court

Mrs. Willan, Mary-le-bonne Park

Dr. J. Willis, Greatford, near Stamford

J. Wingfield, Esq. Tickencote, near Stamford

Mr. Woodroffe, Stamford

Mr. Wakelin, Panton-street

Mr. F. Willatts, Brewer-street

Mr. E. Waters, Edgware-road

Mr. T. Wood, jun. Sloane-square

Mr. Warren, Little Newport-street

Jacob Wilkingson, Esq. Bath

Mr. Whately, King-street, Covcnt-garden

Walker, Esq. Conduit-street

Mr. Whitaker, Castle-street

Walker, Esq. King-street, Golden-square

Wills, Esq. Harley-street

The Rev. Mr. Wheeldon

Mr. West, 2 copies

The Rev. Mr. Wight, Bridewell Hospital

The Rev. Mr. Williams, Chelsea

Walker, Esq. Rotheram, Yorkshire

Capt. Williams, Howland-street

George Wilson, Esq. Bedford-street


John Yenn, Esq. R, A. Treasurer of the Royal Academy

Mr. Yate, Borough

1794 Edition Front Matter Scans

Front Cover

Inner Front Cover
There may be a proper name for this! It's a bold eye-catching pattern,
and one easily distinguishing feature when comparing similar editions.

Author Page
Simple and elegant, although lacking in information about John Milton -
something I'm likely to change in my final version

Title Page
Again, simple and elegant. I'll follow suit for my final version.

Dedication Page
We're starting to get a bit more flamboyant now,
but that's probably more due to the patron's status.
List of Subscribers (1)
As already noted this is an interesting feature. If there is a hardcover version then
it'll likely need some backing, so new versions of these pages will be needed.

List of Subscribers (2)

List of Subscribers (3)

List of Subscribers (4)